martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

a beautiful place

Hi classmate, today I will tell them  about the countries, cities or place you would like to visit.
well the place that I would like to go is Panguipulli, this place is in Chile, in the Los  Rios region, this commune is also known as “Los 7 lagos”.
Well I went there about 4 years ago, and I was immediately in love with this beautiful place.
I will tell them about this beautiful place, Panguipulli it is a Mapuche word wich means Earth of Pumas. This commune content seven lakes, like Lácar, Espejo, Corentoso, inter alia.
Apart from these lakes, there are a high concentration of hot springs (I was to a hot springs a rainy day, it is the best <3), natural reserves, also it has a beautiful landscape, everything it is completely natural.
The reason why I want return to this site, is because I shoot a lot of photos and when I travel to Santiago, my family and me spent to a “pronto copec”, someone stole my photographic camera  that it was inside the car.
So I will upload photos of this voyage but I don’t have, so I will seek of internet.

This is a hotel ( it is expensive)

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

bad habits

Hi this week we must be writing about ours bad habits, well for me this is not a theme very entertaining, but I have to do it.
I have many bad habits, but I think that it is nothing serious.
So my bad habits are possibly the bad habits of the all adolescents, for example I wake up relatively early but I stay in my bed, even though I know that I must help in my house, tidy that home up and my bed room, my parents always upset for this, because my bed room always is a disaster, take out clothes from the closet and usually fall out all the clothes but gives me lazy pick up it and sort out it so  builds up and builds up clothing in the floor.
Other bad habit is that when I cook I leave all dirty crockery, or dirty bowl for all the home, in my bed room,  kitchen, courtyard, well  as I said before, all my home.

I also have the bad habit that when I sit somewhere of my house I take off my slipper and I leave in the floor normally all day, because in my house I like to be without shoes.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

a person that I admire

Hi! Good morning, today I have to write about a expert in my field that I admire, well this guy is Chris Brown, but not the singer, He is an Australian Veterinarian,  he was born  on 11 September, 1978  in Newcastle.
After graduating from university, Brown began work at a clinic in Sydney's North Shore. He travelled to remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territoryto treat animals.  In 2008, he also began writing a column called "Pet Page" in Woman’s Day magazine and was interviewed on radio stations Triple M and Vega FM.
And now he works in a type of documental in which  he films to himself every day
taking care in the clinic, this program is called Bondi vet, this series began in 2009, and at the moment has 6 season  and the place of recording is Bondi Junctions Veterinary hospital, and emergency veterinarian Lisa Chimes at the small animal specialist Hospital, both located in Sydney.

It`s like “La ley de la selva” but like the program is Australian it has a wider variety of animals for treat, for example kangaroo, koala, Australian Quoll, frog, scincidae, rabbit, dogs, cats, around others.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

a beautiful dream

Hi, today I will write about what do I want to major in, well if I could change me of degree (please that it will so) I like it specialize me in little animals and exotic animals and work in a veterinary clinic, because I feel that it is a work more close, while with the animals and his owner, in addition to it’s a work very broad, because one treat a great variety of animals, like dogs, cats, hedgehog, ferret, lizard, among others. Also are seen much disease, or unfortunately accidents, so like I say previously it’s broad, never one day will be same.
The only problem of this is that it’s a work very take it, I want to say that wherever you go, you find a veterinary clinic.
But I think that be worth it, because it’s a beautiful job and there’s nothing better in the world than work you love it and be rewarded with the more sincere look  of gratitude, like this: 

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

a nice photograph for me

Hi everyone today I will write about the photo that I like and this is:

Well I taken this photo this year in May, I like it because it was very difficult to make, because this beautiful bird, a Hummingbird is very sensitive, fearful and above everything very, very fast, so if a move me very sudden he let it go flying, so for make it possible I should have stayed calm, move me very slowly and keep quiet, it´s for this that I like it this photo, because it was very complicated and I needed many patience. This photo is in my house, exactly in my garden, because he every afternoon arrived to eat of my Abutilon, it is a bush with a bell-shaped flowers, so I seize the moment when he rested in a branch in this case in a branch of peach tree.

Thanks for reed my post and I hope that you like my photo <3

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

My favorite animal

Hi, well today I have to write about my favorite animal, but I’m not very sure about what is, because I'm between dogs and Squirrel.
Ok after to  think for a couple minutes I decided write about the Squirrel, because they are my frustrated dream, I will love it have one but here is impossible.

The reasons about why like it this animal is for this:

It’s so cute!, I love his face it is so sweet , they are like comic and I like it that they are so curious, and so agile, it's for this that have many videos about funny accidents
I don't know how long I like it.

Like told previously I search where buy a Squirrel, but here don`t have it, so the only way for have it one is illegally, so I have to give me up to the idea.
Well here are some videos about the funny things that make it 

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

Today I have to talk about my favourite device, and I think that is my laptop, I use it all the time, for example: make homework, search information and distraction like listen to music, see movies and series.
I got it barely a few days ago it was a gift of my parents, but before I used it the laptop of my sister.
I choose this because it is portatil, so I can be  anywhere  in my house where I feel more comfortable, in adittion to the screen it's ample therefore I have not that strain my eyes.
And if I haven`t this device my days would be very boring, I couldn`t see the series or movies when I want and the studys would be more complicated, because I would have that search information of books, and it is more slow.